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Main Office Addis Ababa Address: Hayahulet, Addis Ababa Comet Building Phone Number: Call center 9439 The main office in Addis Ababa serves as the hub for scheduling and information on intercity bus services. Here, you can find details about routes, ticket prices, and travel times. Regional City Addresses and Contacts Nekemte Phone Number: +251 929739439 Hawassa Phone Number: +251 9779439 Moyale Phone Number: +251 929839439 Hosanna Phone Number: +251 929839439 Mizan Teferi Phone Number: +251 929879439 Dembidolo Phone Number: +251 929769439 Balerobe Phone Number: +251 929839439 Dessie Phone Number: +251 982117777
Нужна помощь?
9439 +251982117777